Welcome to Pomona Water
Pomona Irrigation Trust is an irrigation settlement of approximately 750 hectares, 15 kilometres North of Wentworth, NSW. Pomona Irrigation Trust is currently governed by the NSW Water Management Act 2000 No. 92 & Water Management (General) Regulation 2011, Private Irrigation Trusts and the Water Act 2007 Water Market Rules 2009. Pomona Irrigation Trust is primarily for irrigation crops of vines, asparagus, stone fruits, citrus and pasture. Pomona Irrigation Trust has 58 ratepayers. 16 of those are house block owners only, a few hobby farms but the majority are irrigators. Pomona Irrigation Trust operates a fully low pressurised pipeline and twin pontoon computerised pumping system. The 14.5 kilometre pipeline was installed between 1997-2000, transforming the Pomona Irrigation District into the future of irrigation upgrades and water saving practises. The pipeline system was the beginning of sustainability for Pomona and its irrigators, making ratepayers properties more viable and valuable. |